
Life change happens best in relationships.


We believe that life change happens best in relationship. First your relationship with God, and second your relationships with other people. Sharing life through community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why life groups exist—to make these life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you. Each life group looks a little bit different and reflects the personalities and passions of the people in them. Still, they all have the same commitment to bringing people together and helping each person grow together.


When you decide to join a life group, you're committing to making your meeting time a priority in your schedule. Each life group will spend time studying the bible, praying for each other, and doing a service project in our local community. After those three things, each group develops its own unique style. Things like childcare, meals, worship, and social events are unique to each group. Basically, you will get out of life groups what you put into them. No two groups are the same and that's a good thing! This means if you've tried a life group in the past and didn't like it, there are different groups that might fit your needs better.

How have lifegroups impacted your life?

Lifegroups are more than church programming. They are extended family, they are community, and they are a safe space for people to share the things that are going on in their lives. This is our friend Jordan and his story of how lifegroups have impacted his life personally.